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Myung Joong KIM CEO of DiYPRO Co. & Rotterdam School of Management MBA 2012 kim.diypro@gmail.com


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What is the best way to communicate with anonymous who can help me out to deprive and achieve a positive influence to the world? As I now concern to use Cognitive Surplus for achieving a non-for profit thing, it is better think about what is the best channel for that. About 10 years ago, online community was a good method to communicate with anonymous, but in my point of view it is not exist anymore as good method to do so after a contamination by commercial marketing.
What is key factors that ch
annel should possess? Faith reflects by history. Open, share and participation guarantee by unlimited communication.
Here is a good example of my project.


We Believe in an Open Web

And we’re dedicated to keeping it free, open and accessible to all.

About Us

We’re a global community of people working together since 1998 to build a better Internet.

We’re a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting openness, innovation and opportunity online.

And we’re an open source project whose software has been used to build some of the Internet’s best applications.

We believe that, as the most significant social and technological development of our time, the Internet is a public resource that must be improved and protected.

The Mozilla Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to these goals, but the real force behind Mozilla is people around the world taking action to build the web they want. And you can help!

 -------------- from About us of Mozilla.org

Here is the mo
tto of my project.
"Technology for everyone"
My company, DiYPRO's mo
tto from 2002 to 2009 was "100inch picture for everyone", changed motto to "We make it visible" since 2010. Separate from my for-profit company, I will make a place and later it will combine.

posted by 댄디킴