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Myung Joong KIM CEO of DiYPRO Co. & Rotterdam School of Management MBA 2012 kim.diypro@gmail.com


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2011. 1. 21. 06:51 프로필

Myung-Joong Kim_resume.pdf

myung Joong kim



xxxho xxxdong xxxx apartment   |  Kwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea 

| +82 10-5248-xxxx  |  kim.diypro@gmail.com






Business Development  Manager, venture Capital & Startups




-          Full-time MBA, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands                                - 2011~2012

-          Bachelor of Arts in German literature, SOONGSIL UNIVERSITY, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA                                 - 1999~2007


professional experience


Founder and CEO



DiYPRO Co. Ltd.,

A design and manufacturing company of optics for display, LED light and machine vision etc.
Sole developer of Fresnel lens and exclusive distributor for high quality Front surface mirror. 
Brand name and concept inherited from DiYPRO(private). 
5 talented members co-work and deliver excessive joy for customers

-          ● Developed light parts of machine vision for 7th generation LCD glass inspection. 80% uniformity required on inclined 2400*1800mm area. Patent pending
● Developed optic parts for 150W LED stage light. Beam angle is between 15~60 degree.
Funded by one of the biggest stage light manufacture and contracted for supply
● Consulting for Korea No.1 multiplex to New product development.
● Involved 3 years national funded R&D project. Developed Lens let for 3D integral photonics
● Received 3 Korea government investment: R&D road map development, multi-array fresnel lens to reduce assembly time, and compact mirror ball product design development 
● Venture certified and R&D center approved
● Awarded from governor to achieve excellent R&D outcome


Marketing and Planning Lecturer and Department leader



Pragmatist, NGO

A Non-Profit Organization (NPO) provides marketing strategy training to its members

-     160 people is educated, now work for various employers and Start-ups
Currently 12 university students going through marketing education program.
Pragmatist will become a marketing specialized college and later volunteer for free management consulting services for NGOs and NPOs.


Founder and CEO



Beezap Korea Co. Ltd.,

Beezap Co. Ltd. has two business unit, which is optical and Storage unit

Optical business unit specialized on design and manufacturing for fresnel lens for LED lights and display etc. and sole distributor of large Front surface mirror.
Storage business unit is dealing with external HDD and USB memory and memory card
as own brand Beezap and other OEM, such as IT-CEO, AXXEN, Samsung PLEOMAX etc.

-          Employed 13 people and achieved $3.5 million revenue in the first year
Monitored existing customers behavior and applied new segmentation: discovered new customers and increased profit 5% to 8.5%
Reduced external HDD operating cost to increase OEM production from 3M Korea: inventory turnover ratio increased
Motivated internal and external stakeholders to launch new USB memory: increase distributor 0 to 30 and sales 1,000 pcs to 10,000 pcs
Developed 3D lens for LG Display: lens for Glasses-free 3D
Acquired exclusive right in South Korea of large Front surface mirror
Sold all shares and acquired optical business unit





DiYPRO (Private company)

A design and manufacturing company of Do It Yourself concept LCD projector and optical components, specialized in Fresnel and F.S.M.

-          ● Established the company and DiYPRO online community (www.DiYPRO.net) with US$ 30,000 in assets; developed the website as the largest one with over 60,000 members in Do It Yourself category (ranked by www.Rankydot.com).
● Developed and commercialized world’s first DIY projectors, SayView series (2004); contributed to the development of DIY projector markets in different regions including US, Germany, France, and China.
● Expanded product line by transferring manufacturing technology of BalHae series, an entry level projector line, under OEM contract with a Chinese manufacturer (2006).
● Designed world’s first wall-mounted projector by motivating DiyPRO online-community members to share and develop ideas for new products; the program was recognized as one of the most successful prosumer marketing case by Customer Inside, published by Samsung Economic Research Institute (2007).
● Co-invented highly-efficient LED street light by leveraging optical lens controlling techniques: patent application is under review with the title Environmental Lens for Solar Concentration (2010).
● Design and supply Fresnel lens, sourcing from China, for LED and photovoltaic manufactures in Korea
● Managed effective succession to new CEO


Researcher                                                                                                                                  4/1/2008 – 30/09/2009


Korea Management Association Registration & Assessments

1st ISO certification and one of biggest evaluating management process company in Korea with over 3,000 client companies

-          ● To evaluate corporate management system 
● Executed Global Green Management Excellence Awards: created Green Marketing sector of the award and developed criteria




-          Walked through all 900km of Pilgrim's way in Santiago, 2009

-          Volunteer: Reporter in Holt children's service inc., Hope institute, and sponsor 10 children in developing countries

-          Social designing: Interesting and knowledge on developing country


posted by 댄디킴
2009. 8. 13. 09:52

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

2009. 7. 21. 11:49 프로필
지난 2007년 2월부터 구입해온 책들의 리스트를 적어보았다.
나의 건방진 메모와 함께... 하하하

posted by 댄디킴
2008. 10. 27. 14:50 프로필
나는 책을 읽게 되면 감히 책을 3분류로 나눈다.
1분류: 내가 살고 있는 이 세상을 더 이해할수 있게 해주는 책,
         현상의 근본적인 근원과 원인에 대해 고민할수 있게 만드는 책
2분류: 1등급과 2등급의 중간
3분류: 방법론적 단편적인 지식을 전해주는 책, 근본적인 현상의 원인을 알수 없음

간혹 1분류에 해당하는 책을 읽게 되면 주변 지인들에게 추천을 하기도 하지만
경우에 따라서는 내가 사서 선물하는 경우도 많다.
아쉽게도 1번에 해당하는 책들은 가격들이 비싼 경우가 종종 있어서
1과2 사이의 책을 많이 선물하곤한다.

누군가와 책에 대한 생각을 공유할수 있다면 정말 멋진 일이 아닐까? ^^
posted by 댄디킴
2008. 8. 26. 10:59 프로필

98%의 완성도와 100%의 완성도가 98%의 삶과 100%의 삶을 이야기하지는 않는다.
내가 이야기하고 싶은 것은 속도와 변화의 시대에 살고 있는 우리들이
과연 2%의 차이를 극복하기 위해 나머지 98%를 달성한 시간만큼을 투자할 필요가 있느냐는 것이다.

지금 이 글을 쓰는 순간에도 그 2%의 차이가 금메달과 은메달을 가른다는
그리고 고객에게는 선택이 되고 말고의 기준이 된다는 것을 너무도 잘알고 겪어 왔다.

물론 완전히 동일한 양의 일을 하면서 100%보다 98%가 좋다고 하는 것은 절대 아니다.
그렇다면 무엇하러 98%의 완성 상태로 마감을 하여 50%의 시간을 Save 하겠는가.
그 Save된 만큼의 다른 98%짜리 일들이 있기에 감히 100% 완성도와 비교를 할수 있는 것이다.

전문성을 가지고 깊은 저바닥으로 굴을 파고 들어갈수록 적어도 자신의 온전히 전문분야라는 것에서는
물론 점점 더 100%의 궁극을 향해 가는 것이 맞다고 본다.
하지만 지금 나의 수준에서 내가 추구해야 할것은 무언가?

posted by 댄디킴
2008. 7. 2. 00:12

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

2008. 3. 19. 17:23

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내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

2008. 2. 19. 13:17

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내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

2008. 2. 19. 12:46

보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

2007. 9. 13. 14:52

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