블로그 이미지
Myung Joong KIM CEO of DiYPRO Co. & Rotterdam School of Management MBA 2012 kim.diypro@gmail.com


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사용자 삽입 이미지

Can you review my letter to this customer who complained?
불만고객에게 쓴 내 편지 좀 한번 읽어봐주겠어?

"Tell the spiders living in your skull that we'll look into it."
"거미가 당신 두개골속에 산다고 말해봐요. 한번 들여다보게"

I don't know which one is correct "that" or then, that I translate as then.
My Poor grammer....

Good writting should never be predictable.
좋은 글쓰기라는 건 말야. 결코 상상할수 없는거 여야해.

Then it's perfect.
그렇다면 이거 딱인걸.

posted by 댄디킴