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Myung Joong KIM CEO of DiYPRO Co. & Rotterdam School of Management MBA 2012 kim.diypro@gmail.com


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'Santiago'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.10.13 38km walking in accedently.
2009. 10. 13. 04:16 카테고리 없음
Original my goal for today was Villamayor del Rio but because of holiday in Spain they closed.
Anyway I have to make other 4km more, but it´s worster than last 34km to me.
But winds come up to me and push me up to hill when I just exhausted thinking about to stop there. I am getting closer to God. Still I don´t know she(or he) is in the heaven or in my heart or wherever, but concerned about the willing what I feel.
posted by 댄디킴