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Myung Joong KIM CEO of DiYPRO Co. & Rotterdam School of Management MBA 2012 kim.diypro@gmail.com


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Recently, I received a mail from Australia. The company is looking for a optical solution for LED light.

Below are messages between us. (confidential information are removed)



We are planning to develop an LED lighthead using a Fresnel lens.  It appears that you can help.  Please see attached concept PDF. 


We have just tried some of your Ø26mm (15mm focal length) as a test, and they work great.  So, we would like to progress with this concept.


a)      Am I correct in thinking that you can tool and supply parts to us? 

b)      Are your Fresnel lenses manufactured using the ‘hot press’ technique? 

c)       Does the part have to be flat, or could it be could you add the Fresnel features inside a box-shape?

d)      Could you provide a rough quote for tooling and unit price (10,000 per year) for the attached concept please?  This will allow us to determine whether it is worth us progressing with the concept.


Focal Length needs to be 9.9mm (or close) and ideally a feature pitch of <0.3mm. 


a) Yes, we can tool a mold and supply parts for you.
b) We use injection mold and hot press mold.
c) Both ways are possible. Box shape should be tooled as injection mold.
d) Yes, we can. Before quotation, can I have your idea what kind of material do you mind? Is this motion sensing or for light?


Material would be best in PC.  I understand that PMMA would be better optically, by PC would be better for the high temperatures.   I think injection moulding would be our preferred method so we can add features for clipping the Fresnel inside a cover.  Are you confident in making an injection moulded polycarbonate Fresnel cluster with features so small?


The application is for LED lighting.   It is for the light on top of police cars and ambulances.





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